Government Relations
Government relations promotes advocacy of key issues regarding infrastructure legislation at all levels of government. The goal is to provide members with information on key alerts for their area and create a relationship with elected officials so that they know someone in the industry that they can reach out to as these ballots come forward. Those who would prefer weekly updates about government and present ballot measures should sign up to be a Key Contact though their ASCE account at the following link:
Email Committee Chair, Allison Sadow at
ASCE Legislative Fly-In, Washington D.C.
On March 12-13, a group of 258 ASCE members from 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico arrived on Capitol Hill for the Legislative Fly-In, where they advocated for infrastructure and the civil engineering community. Our very own Allison Burkhardt, T.Y. Lin International Roadway Designer, represented Arizona and met with the staff of U.S. Senators Martha McSally (R-AZ 2nd District) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ 9th District) and Representative Greg Stanton (D-AZ 9th District). Over the two days, attendees met with over 330 congressional offices, advocating for the full appropriation of key infrastructure programs in 2020 and the adoption of ASCE's Principles for Investment in the next bipartisan infrastructure bill.